Previous events:
04/Feb, 2021
Impact Partners HK and B Lab (Hong Kong & Macau) organized Master Dialogue with Christopher Marquis - B Corporations: the Future of Business for a Better Society on 4th Feb 2021. And a Book Sharing session on 28 Jan 2021.

09/Dec, 2020
Impact Partners HK was honored to support B Lab (Hong Kong & Macau) and Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum to organised "MASTER DIALOGUE - Business as a Force for Good: Fiction or Action". This webinar was based on the latest research on Business for Good: Understanding the Motivations for Business to Create Shared Value by Ada Wong, Rachel Chan and their team.

05/Oct, 2020
We are happy to support B Lab (Hong Kong & Macau) and organized Up Close & Personal - Dialogue with Jay Coen Gilbert, Co-founder of B Lab on 5th Oct 2020. It was an inspiring evening! All the participants learnt a lot from it as well as touched by Jay's stories and insights. In particular it provided all of us with a new perspective on Imperative 21.