It will take multiple generations to tackle climate change. Use bamboo to reconnect different generations sustainably.
Bamboo Scaffolding is
- an art & a science
- easy to learn & master
- fun to play with
- great for team work
- easy to unleash your creativity
In subsequent Bamboo Scaffolding Workshops, we encouraged the participants to design and create a bamboo products / facilities for display and use in the Children’s Bamboo Park. The Park will be open to the public, and we have a specific group of children in mind – those from low-income families. We firmly believe that children have the right to play. But in the HK content, many children are deprived of this right. Children from low-income families are particularly disadvantaged in this respect. Just think: Where is the right to play for children living in sub-divided flats?
We would like to build not just one Children’s Bamboo Park, but many versions of it in different parts of HK so that they could be within reach of most children.
Bamboo Generations Movement
Bamboo Generations