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Lean Startup is a movement yet a powerful toolbox of techniques and methods that help innovators navigate their way towards sustainable business models. With the success of the movement within startups, leaders in large companies have begun to take an interest in how they can bring this toolbox into their organizations. Lean startup fits for large and small businesses, startup and established companies, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.

Get certified. Become a coach.
Experienced innovation coaches can be hard to find. Finding the right innovation coaches is even a bigger challenge. Certified Lean Startup Coaches would be ready to provide continued support to teams adepting new skills and ways of working. In this training you will learn more on Lean Startup and you will accumulate experiences in coaching new startup teams.
You can
Bring Lean Startup to your organization
Establish and use a common language and framework for innovation
Empower new startup teams to think more like entrepreneurs and maximize existing talent
Ask the right questions instead of giving entrepreneurs the right answers
Scale and create continuous innovation while reducing risks and uncertainties

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